충북대 교양영어  신규
학습기간: 30일
수강료: 무료과정
학습 개요

충북대 교양영어

학습 내용

충북대 교양영어

차시 소개
1 I want you to meet my friend, Jason!
2 I belong to a soccer club.
3 My sister is very energetic!
4 I'd like my steak medium.
5 Review 1 to 4
6 I can't get it to turn on.
7 I think I need to lose weight.
8 How was your winter vacation?
9 Do you have this one in red color?
10 Review 6 to 9
11 How do I get there?
12 You're hired!
13 Can I call you back later.
14 I see your point, but I think…
15 Review 11 to 14